Brother Held, as he is known to us Masons, was escorted to the East where the brethren gave Brother Held the kudos, esteem, and recognition befitting one who has rendered so much service and support to this August fraternity. Brother Held served as Worshipful Master in 1948. Brother Held extended his thanks and admiration for the Masons and spoke words which truly warmed the hearts of his fellow brothers. We beseech the Master Architect of the Universe to bless Brother Held and his family with long life, good health, and the strength to continue his good works. So mode it be. Note: I had the privilege to be with Uncle Lewis for this wonderful occasion and to escort him to the East. See the pictures of Uncle Lewis receiving his commendation and enjoy the moment! It was a terrific evening. Lo Lehman
He is now almost 19 months old.
He is now walking all over the house, traveling all over the country, and driving his parents bonkers as they try to keep up! Click on Jacob's picture to the right to read about his most recent exploits!
As you can imagine, Nanny, Papa, Mema and Bepa are all kvelling over him, not to mention Mommy and Daddy too. We figured that you can't go wrong by sourounding a great little guy with love, hugs and kisses!
Click here for an index to all of Jacob's pictures. Last updated on 12/13/2001
Move over Tiger Woods, here comes Brian. We just got a call from our grandson and he
announced that he just won the Jr. Golf tournament in Orange Park. The 12 to 14 year old
and he did it with a score of 75. Any one interested to see his weeks game in
Division II, log in the internet.
(click on "Points List" upper right hand corner, then click on "Order"
under Division IIB).
Papa and I are so very proud of you. I will be calling you tomorrow and you can give us blow by blow description of how you won your game. In the meantime know that we love you very much. Love you very much, Nanny and Papa (Lehman)
A great big Mazel-Tov to Harris and Jeremy for an absolutely grandiose Haftorah. Your voices were "in sync" all the way. Uncle Alfred and I thoroughly enjoyed watching you boys, hearing and qvelling that whole morning, as we realized that you ,too, knew you were doing a good job.
We know exactly how your Mom, Dad and your Papa felt when you guys were through.
Thank you all for a wonderful week-end . The Lunch was well done, including the Shabbat dinner and the party at the Zoo was fun except for seeing that 10' snake that was suppose to put us in the mood. I do think that my first thought was to take to the hills. However it was done beautifully. (editors note: The first thought is always the true one!)
Let's read more comments from the Cansinos' extensions. So far I read nothing in the
news section. Save 34 cents and send us news and info by mouse.
A request from Alfred & Gladys Lehman
This summer when you visit Va.
Beach, make sure that you take some time to visit the cancer/loved one brick dedication
Ronnie and I recently dedicated 3 bricks in a sidewalk in Virginia Beach.
is a special garden there dedicated to people who have died due to cancer or just
dedicated in memory of a special loved one. The three bricks we dedicated were to my
father Jack, Auntie Evie and Ronnie's
parents. The place where these bricks were dedicated is called Buff's Garden located
at 47th and Oceanfront Ave. Hope these pictures come out well.
Thanks and love, Susan
Other pictures of the dedication. (click to enlarge picture)
Alec was born March 12, 2001, weighing 9 lbs 2
oz to Matt and Linda Wren.
Congratulations Matt, Linda, Carly and Alec.
Alec, may your life be happy, healthy and prosperous!!!
A very emotional week for all of us
especially for Gloria, Gary and Susan and their Families. We have received so many phone
calls ourselves from friends and club members that knew of our connection with the Family
of Saxon Shoes.
I believe them when they said that over 300 phone calls came in one day. Not only is the anguish horrendous, but the thought of all the memories and the pictures and the trophies and awards in all the 48 years of business. This needed to be documented in the Cansino News letter. This shows us that nothing is impossible, that bad things can happen to GOOD PEOPLE, like my car accident 2 weeks ago. We are survivors and G-D Bless Gary and Susan, as they said from the very beginning "Saxon Shoes will be rebuilt".
So for whoever reads this letter, let it be
known that us Cansinos will never quit. We've been through Dicky's two fires, and our
daughter in law Robin devastating fire in her Neptune Shrimp Co. So let us give thanks to
G-D that nobody was hurt physically. To my sister Gloria, my nephew Gary and my niece
Susan, know that I am available to help in any capacity. All you have to do is give me a
tingle and I'll be there. Love you all and I'll see you for this year's Passover April 7
is Seder night @ 6:00 p.m. Hopefully we'll start early as we do have little ones to
Thank you for reading my views and news. Aunt Gladys
Other pictures of the news coverage.
To Jason Adolf:
We just received from your Mom and Dad an announcement that you are graduating with a BA in business and we congratulate you. We know how proud your Parents are and we join them in being just as happy and proud of you as can be. The world is your oyster and you know how to peel the hard cover off of them. So have fun, do lots of nice things with and to the people you meet, and the rest is the icing on the cake.
( make it chocolate and I'll join you) Mazel-Tov
Congratulations to Brian Newman for scoring his first "Eagle" in golf.
This is so big his name is going in the Eagle Harbor Golf Newsletter!
Way to
go Brian!!!
Now there's a grandson to be proud of. At his age he just made an Eagle and I'll let Alfred recount the shots for all our golf-family. So Brian from your Nanny who loves you very much I say that Tiger Woods is History. This is a note from Me....The PAPA, The PAPA... Well... the lion reared his head and roared. His pitching wedge struck and the ball soared. An EAGLE is what we record!!! It was a par 5 hole, begun with a driver. Then came a 4 wood and Bri made it quiver.The wedge was the last shot on this hole and it went straight at the pole. As luck would have it, it went in the cup and Brian rushed over and picked it right up. Brian's outcry was very loud---the Lehman family is very proud. Congratulations Brian----We all love you, Papa.
From Gladys Lehman Nov, 7 2000
This is already 3 months since we got back from Israel, but everytime I started to type my
thoughts about our wonderful trip either the phone rings or my friends show up at my door
or I needed to vacate from this computer because Alfred, my wonderful, greatest sales
person for AE, needs this machine to fax his many customers or his daily orders to be
faxed to Atlantic Electric (this is for you guys who wonder what AE stands for)
O.K. back to Israel. The only way to go is with a Hostess named Carole Tennenbaum. We never saw our luggage until we landed in Tel-Aviv. Everyone was so happy that we didn't need to go through customs. Everyday was an experience of a lifetime. We saw practically every native corner of Israel. We ate with an Arab Family that cooked a delicious lunch ( if you like Falafal) We danced with their Children and I connected with the Grand Mother who was beaming toothless from ear to ear. We planted trees for our beloved Sister Evie and for Mom and Dad and for Mom Ethel and Dad Max. We saw the Independence Hall, the Golden Rock where we needed to take our shoes off before entering the Mosque, the Holocaust @ Yad Vashem was terribly emotional.
We experienced Matthew's Bar Mitzvah on the very top of Mount Scopus overlooking Jerusalem. What a beautiful view. The weather was gorgeous. We had a slow breeze. No one was in sight except our people Not only was Matthew Bar Mitzvahed, but Dr Lisa Barr's daughter Rebecca was Mitzvahed at the same time. It was very nicely done. We visited the western wall twice. The Hotel had a beautiful Shabbat Dinner for us in a private room. We rode the camels when we visited a Bedouin Family. I stayed behind to take movies of the group when they got back couple of hours later. (don't anybody think that that excuse was a cop out)
The whole group swam in the dead sea. Had lots of fun. The reason why I didn't swim?...I forgot to include my bathing suit in our overnight case. (and that's the real truth) But I did swim in the Mediterranean Sea with all the kids. We walked the Streets of Jerusalem without fear. We shopped at the Arab Market and the Jewish shops. We visited the Museums with all the Synagogues display in a miniature form. What a beautiful piece of work, that was.
We payed our respects to the soldiers that died during the war and Goldie Meyer's tomb and Yitzhak Rabin's tomb. We visited Bob's kibbutz when he went to Israel right after his High School Graduation. Brought back lots of memories for him. If I ever had to pick another trip abroad I would say that I would like to go back to Israel. One gets a feeling of belonging and a sense of who you are.
I did not leave the group once,as they were all so very amiable. I did every thing and walked every inch of our trip. I was very impressed with the Jewishness of the people working around Israel. I loved it. I know that some of you were in Jerusalem and I need to find out if your feelings of Israel is the same as mine. I do suggest you all take that trip as soon as the trouble in Israel has settled down.
Well my dear family all I want you to know is take the Grandchildren and enjoy. My three Grandchildren have bonded so beautiful and talked about their experience with love. Thank you for reading my story. Tomorrow I will tell you the fun time we all had at Michael's Bar Mitzvah this past Nov. 4th 2000.
See you.
t has been two weeks since Michael's Bar Mitzvah and I still feel as if I am on a cloud.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU A MILLION for being with us for the weekend. I know that
you all had to arrange time away from other things to attend and be with us.
I believe that this was the biggest combined Cansino/Lehman affair we have ever had. I was VERY proud of Michael and I know he feels the same about himself. I have great memories of the entire weekend and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed having everyone with us for the weekend. We LOVE you all and hope that we can see you soon at the next simcha.
Have a great holiday season and let's please keep in touch.
With all my love,
Welcome to the newest arrival to the Cansino family!
Jacob Daniel Lehman who arrived on May 25th, 2000 at 10:54am!
What a month!!!!!!!!!!! To begin, let me wish mazel-tov to: Our beautiful Robin Adolf for being accepted at the College of her choice. May all your future dreams come true. We love you.
Next, is the 2nd wedding anniversary of Gloria and Arthur: Our wishes to you my dear sis and Bro is that we wish you both everything we wish for ourselves and THAT could only be but THE VERY BEST THAT LIFE CAN OFFER. Health, heathy, healthier. And if you've got that, than happiness couldn't be far behind.
To our sweet nieces and daughter Nancy, who gave Richard and AmyBeth the nicest Baby shower that anyone can have. Lots of friends and Family came to the party given @ Susan's house. Thank you Susan, Mona, Robin, Nancy, Beth and Linda.
Next is my thanks to all of you who attended the 38th year of Passover at our house. Anyone who would like to do Passover, let me know (Joke).
My next gratitude is the birth of our new sweet Grandson. Jacob Daniel. I'm sure you all saw the pictures that Richard ( the computer guru ) put on the screen for us to view. I can't begin to tell you how proud we are of this little angel and his parents. We didn't know that Richard and Amy Beth has again honored us by naming the Baby after two loving gentlemen namely our Dad Jack Cansino and Dr Perlin, Joan Ruby's Dad. This child will have the right connections in this world, as he started out on the right foot. Born on a very special day, Thursday, as this is one of the days that the Torah is used and any time that the Torah is opened, the day is truly blessed. And to refresh your memory, Richard was born on a Saturday, and Alfred was born on Yom Kippur Day. How's that for being blessed. Alfred's Mom and Dad were friends of Dr and Mrs Perlin. Alfred's cousin Willie Rubin and Joan's Aunt Helen Levin married years ago and had a happy life. The Marriage of Rich and AmyBeth was ordained by G-d years ago.
The Bris was an accomplishment task that Joan and I took over, and about 150 to 180
friends and Family attended the ceremony at our home. G-d gave us a beautiful day to
enjoy. We had tables and chairs outside on our patio and breakfast was enjoyed by
everyone. Those that ate outside also enjpoyed the chirping of the many birds of Va. If
you missed this affair, Rich and AmyBeth said that there will be more to come. This is
warning to our out-of-town Family. Friends stayed from 8:00a.m. until 1:45 p.m.
Right after the party, at 2:30 p.m. we drove to Jacksonville to be with Nancy on her Bat-Mitzvah Day. We both popped our shirt buttons from being proud of this girl's accomplishments. Besides taking care of her household, the Children.s car-pooling, and her very demanding job, she found the time to learn her Hebrew and be in charge of the decorations for the Oneg Shabbat and learned the very difficult Hassidic Kiddush that is so very well known to this Sephardic Family. What a girl....what a talent. Let's not forget that behind a good woman is a good man. So Andy, thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing the extras so's Nancy can fullfill her dream.
Next, is for the golfers in our family. Brian qualified for the Junior Titleist Tournament and is now preparing his skill for the summer program. He is so excited because this week he shot a 74. He will be known as "Brian the Lion". Move over Tiger Wood.
Next on my list is, the pride of having our Rebecca in the Honor Roll in her school. Her gift from us is a trip to Israel this coming July. Matthew (Robin's first born) will do his Bar Mitzvah in Israel. So we are taking advantage of this affair and be with Bob and his family on this trip. So the next time you will hear from me is when we get back from Jerusalem. Don't forget Michael's Bar-Mitzvah date is Nov 4,2000 in Va. Beach. No bathing suit allowed. Thank you all for the being not only my Family but my friend too. Until this year in Jerusalem......
After a long time coming, Rich and Amy Beth finally met their perfect match, fell in love, and got married on November 21st 1998.
The ceremony took place at Temple Beth-El in Richmond VA, and the reception was held at the Hyatt Hotel near I-64. It was a lovely time and more importantly it was the union of two great families and two very happy people!
We moved to the new office 2 days ago (9/15/98) and now are officially in the new space. As you know, this is my second office. We will be scaling back the office in Norfolk and are making the Chesapeake office the MAIN office. It looks wonderful. My new address is:
1421 Kempsville Road Suite A
Chesapeake VA 23320
Phone number is 757-312-8484
I invite any and all Cansino relatives to visit the new office. Of course, if you have kids and want them seen (sick or well visits), bring them along too. If you have a Saxon Shoes discount card, we will honor that too :)
Robin and the kids are doing great. Please come down to VB and visit us soon.
With all my love
Posted on 9/4/98
We just got back from London England and am very glad to be home although we had a great time...there's no place like HOME.
We got to see our very good friends and we were wined and dined. How wonderful to have such good friends. We went to help Derek celebrate his 75th birthday. What fun that was. We saw every tourist Palace Buckingham, Blendheim, de Rothshild Manor, Westminster Abbey, Victoria and Albert Museum, Tower of London, The show Chicago, we shopped at Harrods, we ate at very posh Pubs and had high Tea at the Dorchester.
We visited with cousin Manuel, we also took a 3 hour cruise up and down the Thames. We had dinners at the homes of The Taylors, the Millers, the Smith's and learned to get around London on the undergrounds. All this in 10 days.
Alfred and Dicky had to keep up with ME. I didn't leave one day without a place to go. We were driven in style. We were driven around in a brand new Jaguar, that was Derek's Birthday gift, and the Lavenders drove us in a '98 BMW sedan. Not bad being passengers and being driven around the Costwald and Broadway Country around Ivanhoe and Bladon by good friends.
When we were ready to leave for Heathrow we even had our own Cab and driver at our disposal. If anyone is ready to go to England give me a call for some good cabbies. Very friendly people those Britishers.
Anyway...I am glad to be home safe and sound. Just a short report from Auntie Gladys, your ol' MOM and your Sister
Posted on 7/20/98
Dear Family,
As you well know "The Wedding" is in the making. Right now we want you to save August 9th for the women of the Cansino Clan as a Shower for Amy Beth is planned by our very good friends, Maxine Paul, Beryl Dascher, Bobbie Bender Gross, Bobbie Levin and Millie Meyer @ Peking on loehmans' Plaza at 11:30. A Champagne Brunch is planned. I'm sure that by now you have received the invitation. See you there. Mother of trhe Groom :)
I forgot to also tell you that a pre-nuptial dinner will be planned at Lakeside Country Club Nov 20th 1998. Alfred and I are looking forward to breaking bread with all of our Families and the out of town Guests. Come and enjoy with us this union and come hungry.
The Mother of the Groom :-)
Well through all of the hard work, toiling night after night, burning the candle at both ends, walking to and from the computer lab, in the snow, uphill, both ways, and a little bit of private funding, the CANSINO web page has gone universal with its own URL (I think this means Universal Resource Link or something like that)!
What this means is that the new address, as you have noticed is "" instead of the long and drawn out "".
This also means that we can officially have cansino e-mail addresses, yes that means that everyone in the Cansino family will have their own e-mail address at CANSINO.COM!!!!! Click here to see how this is done.
I hope that everyone enjoys this newest feature and will continue to come by and see the web site often. Don't forget if you have news that needs to be posted just send it to Rich.
Also, don't forget about the message center where you can post a message on the web page in real time while you are on the internet!
And, as if this wasn't enough, I will be posting any new pages that anyone would like to post under the banner of CANSINO.COM. Therefore if you have a personal page that you would like for me to post, send me the HTML page and I will include it as part of the CANSINO.COM webpage.
Originally posted on 5/3/98
The official wedding date is November 21, 1998. So put it in your calendars!!! The wedding will take place at Temple Beth-El (Richmond, Va.) and the reception will be held at the Hyatt (same location as Gloria and Arthur's wedding reception) Look forward to seeing you all there.
Originally posted on 5/1/98
It is official, I know this, especially since I'm posting this news personally! It happened on Saturday night (2/28/98) and I proposed to her at Joe's Inn in Richmond. Click here to view the official engagement picture just after it happened. I had Mima Ethel's engagement ring re-set in a traditional platinum setting by Ronnie (of course! Thanks cuz!!!) and she absolutely loved it. Click here to view the official ring picture.
On Sunday we went to dinner at Angela's restaurant with the Rubys and the Lehmans to start planning our wedding. Click here to see a picture of the two families. We are planning the wedding for the fall of 98, exact date is TBA. Thank you everyone for setting the great examples to follow and we look forward to rounding out the cousin connection with another mitvah! I look forward to seeing all of you there!!!
As of 2/3/98! Click here to send them a message!
Click here to go to the page!
Originally posted on 2/13/98
"The Cansino family Web site looks great! Nice job. It's particularly nice for those of us who ventured away from the Cansino stronghold in Virginia."
"It was interesting to learn (from the family message board) that Jason had an internship at AIM. AIM is one of the Internet organizations I keep tabs on for my work as editor and analyst for a computer publishing and consulting firm. It was also a thrill to see my cousins' pictures up on the Web. I'm so used to looking at pictures of products, not my kinfolk, on the Web!"
"You asked for news for the Web site. Well I'm having a one-man show of my artwork at the Newton Free Library in February. It houses the nicest public gallery in Newton. I'll be exhibiting about 24 works there throughout the month. The opening reception is February 5, 1998."
"I realize it's a bit far for the family to travel, so I thought I'd send a few images of the artworks that will be on display. Feel free to post them on the Cansino Web site if you want to. CLICK HERE!!!
"I'll also be sending all my aunts and uncles and cousins a postcard invitation to the show. When you get the postcard you may notice that I use the name "Grey" Held. It's been a nickname of mine since college. As it turns out "Lloyd" means "Grey" in Old English. At any rate I answer to either Grey or Lloyd."
Originally posted on 12/26/97
Cansino family web page! Here here it has finally arrive our own web page to keep us in touch. Check here for e-mail addresses, family tree, pictures, family news and other cool stuff! Coming soon, a Nanny and Papa page, an Uncle Jack page, and more updated events and news pages!
Originally posted on 12/4/97
Hello Dear Family, Richard made me such a lovely web-site that I have to send you all a message. January 9th Uncle Alfred and I will be blessed at Temple Beth-El and it's going to be a co-congregation with Temple Beth Ahabah, so the Weiners Adolfs and Helds can still go to Shull and hear their Rabbi at Beth-El. It will be a simple Blessing but after 45 years I'll take every avenue that G-d gives us.
The Oneg Shabbat will be done by the Sisterhood and as it is strictly Kosher I cannot bake and take to Temple anymore. So whatever the Sisterhood does will have to be O.K. H
If you have any comment, please E-Mail Richard and tell him what you think of our web-site.
Love you all,
OK for all of you who have been wondering, Yes, it's true, the rumors are not rumors! I have found a very special girl and things are looking great! Although there hasn't been any ring exchanging yet and I'm taking it one step at a time, I am very very happy! Her name is Amy Beth Ruby, you may know her parents, Arlin and Joan Ruby from Richmond Va. I will keep you posted on any new developments!
Originally posted on 12/4/97
Jason Adolf will be transfering to Va. Tech in January 1998. He has been accepted into the Pamplin School of Business. After a year and a half he is leaving Washington, D.C. This semester he has been an intern with the Association for Interactive Media as the assistant to the Vice-President. He looks forward to spending the next few years in a real college atmosphere not to mention Richard Lehman's alma mater.
Originally posted on 12/4/97
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